Examples of Recent Years
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Biden, GOP, called shot, Babe Ruth called shot, political cartoon
Trump, Federal Troops, peaceful protestors, political cartoon
College, covid19, pandemic, US college classes, classes on line, political cartoon
Xi JinPing, trump, blame, plan, political cartoon
London Pubs, British Culture, Covid, political c artoon
Kayleigh M<cEnany, press sevretary, never lie to you, Trump admin, political cartoon
Putin, Russia, Trump troubles, Novichok, Russian poisons, political cartoon
Putin, Russia, Trump troubles, Novichok, Russian poisons, political cartoon
Putin, Santa Claus, Christmas 2019, Washington DC, political cartoon
Trump, Nixon, Paul Conrad cartoon, nailing himself to cross, political cartoon
Tory Victory, Boris Johnson, Labor loss, British elections, political cartoon
FBI Investigators, IG report, dogs playing poker, political cartoon
Trump, Greta Thunberg, political cartoon
Rudy Giuliani, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Trump, Ukraine, Santa sleigh, political cartoon
Nancy Pelosi, Dems, impeachment, the whip, political cartoon
Trump, SNAP, cuts to Food Stamps, Steven Miller, Stephen Miller, Christmas Carol, are there no prisons, political cartoon,
Trump administration judges, political cartoon
Problems in Cartooning, David Pecker, National Enquirer, political cartoon
China, Xi Jinping, unemployment, economic slowdown, political cartoon
Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Saudis, Christmas, Inshallah, political cartoon
Trump, legal problems, Baby It’s Cold Inside, political cartoon
Theresa May, Brexit, British politics, political cartoon
Mike Pence, Vice President, political cartoon
Brexit, Theresa May, British government, parliament, political cartoon
Nikki Haley, UN, UN Ambassador, Threats, US Support, political cartoon
Selection from A Christmas Carol, DIckens, Are there no workhouses, political cartoon
Trump, tax cuts for the rich, GOP tax bill, political cartoon
Trump Federal Court Nominees, political cartoon