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Examples of recent Years
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Angela Merkel, Berlin terror truck,2017


Drain the Swamp, campaign promise, Trump, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Putin, Austrian Right Wing, Freedom Party, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Secretary of State, Secretary of Energy, White House, Trump, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Trump, smart, daily briefing, US troops, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Rudy Giuliani, leaving Trump Cabinet, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Trump, Damn Spot, Minority Popular Vote, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Russians, Putin, US vote, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Russia, Putin, Hacking US Elections, Trump link to Putin, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Tom Price, HEW, Trump administration, Obamacare, political cartoon



Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Ann Coulter, right wing GOP, Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Rupert Murdoch, Sheldon Adelson, Las Vegas Review-Journal, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Donald Trump, Schlong, GOP, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, apologizes, hacking, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

STAR WAR, Disney, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Trump, Putin, killing journalists, Russia, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Ted Cruz, Carpet Bomb, political cartoon

Danziger Cartoons

Snow, fall 2015, globhal warming, plowing, political cartoon

Danziger Cartoons

Trump, polls, New Hampshire

Danziger Cartoons

China, Xi Jinping, pollution, one-child policy, political cartoon



Danziger Cartoons

Israel, Netanyahu, unending war, political cartoon

Danziger Cartoons

Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, Cuba, political cartoon

Danziger Cartoons

Cuba, Raul Castro, Fidel Castro, old Cuban cars, political cartoons

Jeff Danziger-Danziger Cartoons

Russia, ruble, Putin, sanctions, political cartoon

Danziger Cartoons | New York City N Y. | Counterpoint Syndicate

Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, bankers, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger-Danziger Cartoons

Dick Cheney, Lynne Cheney, rectal feeding, pureed raisins, political cartoon

Danziger Cartoons | New York City N Y. | Counterpoint Syndicate

John Boehner, US House,  Republican majority, political cartoon

Danziger Cartoons | New York City N Y. | Counterpoint Syndicate

CIA Torture Report, rectal feeding, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger-Danziger Cartoons

Chris Hughes, The New Republic, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger-Danziger Cartoons

Torture Report, CIA, CIA torture, political cartoon



Jeff Danziger-Danziger Cartoons

Putin, Russia, Khordorkovsky, Pussy Riot, political prisoners, Olympics, political cartoon

Danziger Cartoons | New York City N Y. | Counterpoint Syndicate

US Marines, Africa, Sudan Civil Wars, political cartoons

Jeff Danziger-Danziger Cartoons

Putin Russia, Sochi

Jeff Danziger Cartoons | Syndicated Political Cartoonist And Author

Baby costs, BMW, young married, cost of living, political cartoon

Danziger Cartoons | New York City N Y. | Counterpoint Syndicate

GM, woman CEO, Mary Larra, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Rush Limbaugh, Pope Francis, marxism, socialism, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

China, Moon Landing, NASA, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Kim Il Un, N Korea, firing squad, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

John Boehner, US Congress, House, right wind, tea party, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Cheneys, Mandela Memorial, political cartoon




2012 Year in Cartoons

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Putin, Russia, adoptions, orphans, political

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Right Wing, gun nuts, religion, NRA, Obama, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

NRA, Wayne LaPierre, guns in schools. political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

NRA, NRA ads,

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Wayne LaPierre, NRA, M movie, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons

Gun trade, gun shop, NRA, political cartoon

Danziger Cartoons

NRA LaPierre, Newtown shootings, SandyHook, political cartoon

Danziger Cartoons

Gun trade, gun shop, NRA, political cartoon

Jeff Danziger Cartoons | Syndicated Political Cartoonist And Author

School Shooting, Newtown CT, Sandy Hook School, political cartoon

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